
Business can "help" or "hurt"

There are many myths when it come to business and business professionals should come up with rebuttal responses to accusations.

Myth 1: Business condones inequality by giving some more and others less
Myth 2: Business is driven by greed
Myth 3: Business is harmful to environment
Myth 4: Business dehumanize people by turning them into consumers

I have given some examples of typical rebuttals for myth 1 and 2. 

The Rebuttals to Myth 1
  • Broader society seems ore comfortable with athletes, artists, acting, musician, even lotto winners to earn more money through "luck" or "entertaining" instead of working hard at earning a living
  • equality isn't realistic
  • poverty is "relative"
  • Business creates wealth and doesn't redistributes it
  • government doesn't create wealth but redistributes it.
The Rebuttals to Myth 2
  • In the real world, we should "only" evaluate people "actions"
  • The only thing that matters is how you treat them, not how you wanted to treat them or why you treated them the way you did (motive are hard to determine)
  • Helping you earn money, helps you retain self respect.  It's a mutual interaction.
  • If you "tend" to your vinyard taking care of your need.  It won't hurt the other person.
  • Be grateful to all who benefited you even if they wanted to hurt you badly or didn't care.  Be grateful.
Having rebuttals to the myths will help individuals see how business is can help and not hurt our society.


Connect with Vernice Maz, MBA

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